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Socio-economic Projects in Lebanon

Jdaideh Women Organization Solar Farm

Jdaideh Women’s Organization – Solar Farm to reduce the need for diesel generators in providing power to homes in Jdaideh and Revolving Fund managed by the Jdeideh Women’s Organization.

Lebanon faces an energy crisis represented in the continuous electricity cuts at households and thus the dependency on independent energy providers who sell electricity on a small scale in different areas of the country. The Jdaideh Women’s Organization provides electricity to 22,000 users through diesel generators, emitting 100 kg of CO2 per day while spending around $2,000 a month on diesel. To mitigate this social and environmental problem, MINARET has provided the organization with a 40-kW photovoltaic system that will reduce their dependency on diesel thus a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to monthly savings of $2,000 a month.

The savings will be used to establish a revolving fund to benefit the community through relaxed loans that allow locals to finance small environmental and socioeconomic projects like investing in eco-friendly technologies such as solar panels, solar water heaters and energy efficient LED light bulbs. It is also tied to the farmers’ project by providing money to new farmers who wish to take advantage of the improved access to water in the area.

Launching of Souk El Ghalli in Jdaideh, Lebanon

Souk El Ghalli was launched in August 2018 in cooperation with Al-Shouf Cedar Society (ACS), SIF and the Bakaata Women Organization. Local producers present all of their products in this market, that is being held every year.

Revolving Fund Unit Capacity Building for The Baqaata Women’s Organization in October 2020

Al-Shouf Cedar Society (ACS) conducted a 5-day theoretical and practical training to project beneficiaries to build their capacities in creating a unit within The Baqaata Women’s Organization (BWO) and managing the “Small Loan Program” under NEXUS (Energy – Water – Food).

The loans will be granted to individuals or associations in order to invest in small environmental friendly projects, ensuring the ownership and commitment by all project beneficiaries.

The training was customized based on the model of the Cedar Loan of Shouf Biosphere Reserve (SBR) by providing BWO with the revolving fund application form, brochure and budgeting tools needed.

Launching of Revolving Fund in Jdaideh on 30 October 2020

The “Village Small Loan Program” was launched in Jdeideh Municipality in the presence of The Baqaata Women’s Organization, municipality members, the Shouf Biosphere Reserve team members and media.

The aim of this meeting was to inform the community of Jdeideh about this new initiative, managed by The Baqaata Women’s Organization, and provide them with the brochure and documents needed in the application process that will be effective as beginning of next year.

The revolving fund for The Baqaata Women’s Organization (BWO), has been financed by the savings generated through MINARET’s intervention when solar panels were installed to reduce diesel costs for the organization.

The revolving fund aims is to provide relaxed loans to individuals who want to invest in eco-friendly technologies in their homes such as solar panels, solar water heaters and energy efficient LED light bulbs.

URL: https://minaretproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Brochure-final-version-image.pdf