Header image - field of wheatgrass



Pilot projects are required to demonstrate benefits and added value of the NEXUS approach.

This is the great opportunity for MINARET project: to develop and implement convincing pilot projects (“seeing is believing”), which trigger a broader NEXUS implementation and NEXUS governance and eventually a transformation towards a green economy.

For a pilot project to become scalable and replicable, benefits and co-benefits must be quantified and communicated properly. It must be communicated horizontally with others for the purpose of replicating it and vertically for the purpose of making the necessary policy changes / incentives to expand and scale it. Therefore, to be successful, we must:

The demonstration projects will:

  • Respond to actual needs on a municipality level
  • Result in improved livelihoods that can be sustained on the long-term.
  • Buy-in of municipality & community to maintain Projects post MINARET Phase 1
  • Address & maximize the role of municipalities in the region & their challenges.
  • Respond to national & regional needs to be scalable & replicable

To simplify the model and break it into the clear phases which need to happen for municipalities to activate their role in applying NEXUS for their benefit, the benefit of the community and for the benefit of the country, the model can be broken into the following key phases:


Customizing NEXUS Approach for Municipalities in MINARET Project