Area: 3451 Km2
Elevation: 930 m
Population: 32,216 (2015)
Karak is a Jordanian city, located within the Kasabah Brigade in Karak governorate, south of Amman, about 120 km away.
Its towering mountains overlook the Dead Sea, the southern Jordan Valley and the West Bank in Palestine.
Greater Karak Municiaplity
The municipality of Karak was established in 1893 under Ottoman law.
In 2001, eleven municipalities were merged into the Greater Municipality of Karak, in Al-Ghaba, Al-Ghuwair, Zahoum, Manshiyat Abu Hammour, Ader, Jdeideh, Rakeen, Battir, Zaid Bin Haritha, Al-Shihabiya and Adnaniya, Wadi Karak, Karak, Al-Marj area.
Karak Municipality has been selected for its outstanding experiences in implementing renewable energy projects. Also, Karak is part of the WaterSum project implemented by IUCN and funded by SIDA which aims to develop local water security action plan. And the municipality has participated in a national training at RSS/NERC on how to develop Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP).