Header image - field of wheatgrass

Jdaidet El-Chouf Municipality

Jdaidet El Chouf

Jdaidet El Chouf is a Lebanese village in the Chouf District of the Mount Lebanon Governorate

  • Located 45 kilometers south-east of Beirut
  • Its altitude ranges between 800 m-1000 m high
  • Its area is 30 hectare
  • Population number: 22000 persons

The municipality is member of the Federation of Chouf Es Souayjani Municipalities.

Lebanon in Figures

Water Pumping & Filtration Station

31,000 kWh
of electricity

12 to 24 hours
access to water

20 tons
of CO2 reduced

22,000 people
Barouk River & Farms

25 water tanks

6 km canal
repaired through CfW

4,000 kWh
of electricity for solar pumping

25 farms & 80 farmers
Municipality Building & Street Lighting

10,000 kWh
of electricity for the municipality

65% less energy
LED street lights consume

94,000 kWh
in total energy savings

62 tons
of CO2 reduced